Friday, December 19, 2008

Reflection, New England

I had one of those 'alive' moments today. 
The kinda where you open your eyes and cannot express or explain the spontaneous excitement that you've suddenly acquired.

Where you feel like the only way you can live is spread apart,
   soaking up all the life you can
        like a 5-point star, vivacious
    with your face warmed by the heat of the sun,
& your own existence.

I've usually had these moments while doing things I've considered epic, or waiting with anticipation for them to occur.
-like driving next to an old friend, with all the windows down after a summer rain, blasting one of your  all-time favorite songs. 
-or sitting on a bus, on a most beautiful summer day, going through suburbia, en route to a reunion with a dear friend who makes you squeal with laughter.

These moments  almost always have a song I associate with each one. and they're always great songs. I've actually compiled mostly all of these songs into a playlist on my computer, entitled 'INFINITE' in big bold capital letters. 
But when I try, I usually cant even listen to it, (except for purposes of nostalgia and reflection.)
otherwise, I save it, as to not ruin the primary purpose of that collection of songs. 

Today that 'moment' came to me on a train.
A train from where I wanted to be--------to where I was going. 
It was nice though, because I had no cares. Just mindlessly watching a movie about big-screen death&destruction, when my gaze was caught by the beauty of my surroundings, the unapologetic fog and muted hues of soggy winter.

The moment started then. 
& yes, I had the perfect song to go with it. 
& a companion who was eager to hear my excitement.

These moments, I've concluded, are a beautiful & rare combination of very simple things:
-a generally good mood (stress free)
-appreciation of what's around you
-exciting events/impending plans
-good music. good company.

Upon returning from these epic moments, I often lapse into a humanist-loving nature and suddenly become a vigilante to save the natural beauty of our planet. I'm immediately an advocate against global warming. against deforestation. 
For that moment, the earth that I thought was so cognizant of, so in tune to,
for that moment, the earth around me appears in a new light. 

next post: i'll put up the poem I wrote while having my 'moment'. my fingers are just tired. thanks for reading. =)

1 comment:

amanda fawn said...

i have one of those moments on every continental flight no. 95 to newark!!