Monday, December 22, 2008


I've come to a few conclusions today. 

1. Listen to the song 'you're only king once' by beulah. maybe you'll like it.
2. It's official. Miss Britney Spears is back.
3. Kangda Zhou will always be the ying to my yang. and the chop sticks to my fried rice.
4. The new Coldplay cd has some pretty good songs. but the new Coldplay EP is balllerrrrr.
5. Pennsylvania weather blows. Ice storms make everything look like Russian wilderness.

Happy Holidays to you.
Hope you're surrounded by love. 

1 comment:

Marky said...

I was listening to "Life in Technicolor" with my brother over thanksgiving break and we talked about how its so killer and would just wish they made into like a full 4 minute song. Prospekt's March made me ecstatic with the part deux. Well done Chris Martin. Well done Miss Rourke.